the second presidential term中文什么意思

发音:   用"the second presidential term"造句
  • second:    n. 1.秒 (=1/60分);秒( ...
  • presidential:    adj. 1.总统[总裁、议长、董事 ...
  • term:    n. 1.期限,期间。 2.学期,任 ...
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  1. the second part 什么意思
  2. the second part of king henry the fourth 什么意思
  3. the second part of king henry the sixth 什么意思
  4. the second part of tamburlaine the great 什么意思
  5. the second place at palace examination 什么意思
  6. the second prize 什么意思
  7. the second proof 什么意思
  8. the second regular season 什么意思
  9. the second round of the triple crown 什么意思
  10. the second seminole war 什么意思


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